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About the


This workshop is primarily meant to provide students with a space and agency (ownership) over the work that they make and taking the wheel in designing their work hosting spaces.

Professionally speaking, web-building or web-design is a relevant skill, as well as having a space to showcase your work easily and efficiently to anyone and everyone.

The research that I (your instructor) aim to accumulate from this workshop is meant to investigate my research topic: How Digital Space-Making Facilitates the Manifestation and Support of Creative Identities


Student (if everyone consents) feedback, digital spaces, and work will have a vital collaborative role in researching the topic. 

Student experiences in designing their websites are strong evidence that can help answer the topic at hand, individual students are providers and collaborators in this research. 

Student Collaborators can choose to remain anonymous.


The workshop is meant to serve as an introduction to taking up and using digital space through your personal identity as an artist or a maker.

Student webfolios, once published, are non-expiring. Upgrading the websites with new work helps ground and establish a space for student work. 

Student webfolios are meant to serve as an extension of self, both personally and professionally.

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